Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dieta Dla Grupy Krwi 0

Finger food of yesteryear: a tribute to Escoffier

These days, I was moooooolto busy with work in the bakery.
I could not, therefore, update the blog with recipes published each week on the magazine of the glutton.
Today, however, 'I want to do it as a gift for Christmas, a bit' to remember a true teacher and father of the history of the kitchen, reviving and italianised (Escoffier certainly had not used the dough!).
I think this freedom granted to these parties: a tasty and elegant solution to avoid having to spend so much time to stoves.
Today's recipe and ' Scallops Provencal Scallops Provencal
Finger food from the past and recipe for the holidays, by Auguste Escoffier
Cinzia "Cisejazz" Cyprus

period of holidays, invitations, sumptuous lunches, exchange of gifts, of barrels at year's end.
Just last year, one wonders what to prepare on time for practical, quick, pleasant, not too involved, maybe, why not? A dinner of finger food, the nice portions, presented in paper cups, plates, etc.. In short all "mini".

But peering into the past, in a very distant past, which is more or less, a century ago, you can find recipes that would go very well today, especially for the holidays.

What, unfortunately, is often forgotten when preparing dishes for Christmas and New Year, is that the choice of menu, must eventually be a "treat orchestration" (to use a proper term of the protagonist of this recipe).

Auguste Escoffier was a great figure in the history of cuisine.
With the strength and persistence that characterize it, pushed already youngster, his uncle in the kitchen, through the military kitchens, beginning in 1879 until the true path that will make him famous and which led him to be the father of the new way of thinking about food: not just a mess of creams and sauces, but the kitchen to feed, with recipes made wisely and with no frills .
New Year's, we find solace in a pot right of this great chef of the past: the scallops Provencal, where the shell replaces the usual dish and it is the scene in a dish taste beyond the Alps.

Ingredients for 4 people - 15 people for New Year's finger food
1 kg of scallop shell
300 g of spaghetti (preferably 45 cm) 10

ripe tomatoes 50 g butter 2 shallots

1 spicchio d’aglio
Un po’ di farina
1 bicchiere di vino bianco secco
2 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva

Pulire le conchiglie delle capesante e farle aprire sul fuoco.
Eliminare una delle due valve ed estrarre polpa e corallo.
Tritare gli scalogni, spellare i pomodori tuffandoli in acqua bollente per qualche minuto ed eliminare i semi.
Tagliare le capesante e i pomodori a filetti.
Passare la capasanta nella farina (eliminare se in eccesso e se non si vuole ottenere un effetto molto cremoso, ripassandole in un colino).
Rosolare gli scalogni tritati nell’olio e poi aggiungere la polpa delle capesante.
Sfumare con vino bianco.
Aggiungere il pomodoro a filetti e lo spicchio d’aglio, privato della cuticola.
Infine, anche il corallo.
Aggiustare di sale e di pepe.
Coprire il tegame e lasciar cuocere a fiamma bassa per altri 15 minuti.
Sciogliere a parte il burro e versarlo sulle capesante.
Nel frattempo, far cuocere gli spaghetti e prelevarli al dente.
Spadellare la pasta nel tegame con un po’ del suo liquido e servire nelle conchiglie vuote e pulite.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bluetooth Dongle And Earpiece

taroz as T!

I was going to forget to publish the recipe last Friday '.
This week I bring in Valtellina, a place that I love and where I would go ever ever ever!

The recipe I learned from a friend of Bormio greeting (hello Simon!), And although we do not write more ', still harbor in their hearts.

discover a recipe for poor Alta Valtellina
Cinzia "Cisejazz" Cyprus

No, not an offense to anyone (as some might suspect the South)

the taroz, to "calibrate" or mix, remix, is a preparation of simple cooking Valtellina (especially the Alta Valtellina), made with raw materials readily available, which is accompanied by sausages.

difficult to find this dish in a restaurant, but it certainly has delighted the palates of many indigenous commensal or captain in the province of Sondrio holiday.

It is not the recipe for who is on a diet, in fact, one could say that "if the play" with the most famous of pizzoccheri Teglio fact, the melted butter, dairy (Or for those who can not find it, Fontina, even if he does not give the same intensity of taste), the slinzegha make highly caloric, a dish that otherwise might well be consumed by those who have weight problems.
Taroz Of note, the festival which is held in the summer triangle.

This is my version, as I learned to make her stay in my friends from Valtellina and Bormio, then, does not pass the winter in which no repetition (perhaps accompanied with delicious sciatt or chiscioi).

Serves 4 600 g potatoes 400 g beans

150 g of dairy cheese (fontina instead)
100 g butter 100 g
slinzegha (Alternatively, pancetta, bacon or even pork loin)
Abundant sage
If desired a clove of garlic can not hurt.

Boil the potatoes in their skins and beans.
Peel the potatoes and mash together the beans, mixing them together.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Roll out the dough in a baking dish.
Cut into cubes or slices and spread on the dairy mixture.
Bake at 180 degrees until the cheese has melted completely.
In a saucepan, melt the butter and brown the meat with the sage slinzegha (or other cured meat) into small cubes.
Pour melted butter on the baking sheet and put in oven for final browning, under the hot grill for 1 to 2 minutes.

Monday, November 23, 2009

2010 Basketball Referee Camps

Question of ... language

As usual, every Monday 'carry on the blog, the article written for the site the glutton.
This week I have moved from my Sicilian roots to reunite with North that I hosted.
I decided to talk about language.
pickled tongue, to be exact. But I give the word
Article ...

Artusi wrote in his book "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well"

Although increasingly rare, is now again in a few butcher shops, and more often to order. It is excellent for many occasions: from starter al ripieno, per gli arrosti più raffinati… Di certo è oramai un piatto così trascurato da diventare persino sofisticato!

Le affermazioni dell’Artusi si adattano perfettamente all’argomento di cui si sta trattando.
La lingua infatti, perlopiù di vitello, è merce sempre più rara sulle tavole perché o la si ama o la si odia e questo è fuor di dubbio.
Eppure rappresenta davvero una preparazione semplice e versatile, che potrebbe rendere unica qualsiasi occasione.

La lingua salmistrata utilizzata in queste ricette è stata acquistata già pronta in macelleria. Volendo, la si può preparare a casa, lasciandola “salmistrare” con spezie and aromas that will give that extra touch of flavor.

For the uninitiated, means pickled soaked in saltpeter, or potassium salt of citric acid. The saltpetre is easily found in your pharmacy and serves to preserve food, especially sausages.

It can be served hot, warm, cold, in salads, stuffed in boiled meats, accompanied by sauces (the most famous? Pear and green sauce), jams, etc..

Today we used it for a full meal: hats filled with language, language and balls to the plate. Simply ...

Cappellacci filled language
Ingredients 4 people

For the pastry 2 egg yolks + 1 whole

00 125 g flour 25 g wheat bran

1 pinch of salt Mix all ingredients vigorously and let stand, covered with a cloth, out of the fridge for half an hour.
Pull the sheets of pasta at the penultimate mark.
Fill the pastry with small balls of filling, making sure that with another sheet.
Obtain the hats, using pastry rings with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a more 'big 3 or 4 cm in diameter.

For the filling, meatballs and language to the plate

1 zucchini 1 carrot 1 potato

1 onion
Two tablespoons of tomato paste (alternatively triple tomato concentrate) 800 g of corned tongue

Salt and pepper to taste Boil

the language in plenty of salted broth at a low temperature (the water must only simmer ) for a couple of hours.
Strip when it is still hot and that you will take away a few slices on the hot plate.
Cut into pieces carrots, onions, zucchini and potatoes together with 600 g of language.
Immerse the vegetables and the language of the broth, add the tomato paste and cook until it is completely restricted. Go all the
macinac (or blender if you do not have a meat grinder). With the pulp
fill hats until all the dough.
With the filling that is advanced, prepare small balls to be passed in a pan with a little oil (do not fry them, or flake).
with slices of tongue kept aside, oleare a plate and lightly blanch on each side. Serve the soup in
cappellacci language with a few sprig of thyme and apart from the meatballs cooked with slices of tongue, accompanied by jams and sauces to taste.