Monday, May 24, 2010

On Poptropica How Do You Beat The Dragon

for fun or for love of pastry lesson for children

Children restless and do not know how to keep them at bay?
Let them cook!

Any age have our puppies, you can prepare any dish with them and keep them entertained for half an hour with you.
Not everyone, of course, have but a mess meatloaf with your hands, as well as shelling the pods, can arouse their interest and curiosity so that they themselves ask to try again.
Everything is shown as a game, so if you did not have to be very good, do not worry and do not angosciateli, otherwise the memory will be linked to the experience negative and not fun.

prepared on time all the necessary bases that do not require their direct intervention: the minced meat, eggs already peeled (if children have not already done so: the risk is that if splashed on him ... and I speak from experience! ), the products already chopped (do not have a clear handle knives), where you can store containers, for example, peas or beans, shelling and other containers to throw away what is deleted, the already grated cheese, etc. ... and show them at the end what to do and let me proceed under your effective control.

Strong experience with my children, I was invited to take a lesson * * pastry the children of my son's class: their ages ranged from 3 to 6 years and we had no stove available.
Choose, therefore, a suitable sweet that would satisfy the palates of the children was not easy: it was necessary to simplify a recipe already per sé facile. Ed è per questo motivo che abbiamo scelto la cheesecake di fragole.

Arrivata in classe, ho trovato già i pulcini pronti a tritare i loro biscotti simil pandistelle con le mani. Attenti come pochi, hanno imparato immediatamente a sbriciolarli e a muovere con decisione le manine per ridurre in polvere i frollini. Naturalmente abbiamo fatto briciole ovunque!
Al momento di aggiungere il burro fuso, hanno impastato con dovizia e attenzione e hanno iniziato ad assaggiare la loro preparazione, senza curarsi dei nostri moniti… (forte di ciò, invito, chi volesse provare, ad aumentare la dose, perché è sicuro che i vostri fanciulli vorranno leccarsi le dita e, una volta scoperto il sapore della base del dolce, procederanno a pasticciarsi, appositamente per continuare a leccarselo via dalle mani).
Per non dover montare la panna sul momento, abbiamo usato quei sifoni che si vendono nei supermercati con dentro già la panna, da agitare e montare: come non resistere a spruzzarsene un po’ addosso?

Alla fine, i bambini erano tutti soddisfatti e orgogliosi di aver preparato con le loro mani, un bel dolce, semplicissimo, per la loro mamma, che lo avrebbe gustato, la domenica successiva per la festa della mamma, assieme a loro.

Ricetta della cheesecake alle fragole semplificata per bambini piccoli

230 g di pandistelle o frollini al cioccolato
80 g butter 300 g cream cheese

75 g sugar 4 gelatine leaves (8 g)
1 box of strawberry jam or berries
250 ml of whipped cream to decorate

Blend the biscuits and mix with melted butter
Spread the mixture over a bowl, squeeze it well to have a uniform and put in fridge for half an hour.
Dissolve gelatin (soaked and drained) in a little water or hot milk
Mix cheese with sugar
Add the whipped cream and 2 drops of lemon juice + some strawberries into small pieces
Spread jam on bottom cookie
Spread cream cheese con le fragole
Adornare con fragole a piacere
Riporre in frigorifero per almeno 3 ore

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ear Lip Chain Piercing

Ho riceuto da una mia collega, una ricettina velocissima e facile per preparare un croccante in pochi minuti ( a parte il tempo necessario per farlo solidificare) e tracchete..mi ci mancava pure il croccantino. Meno male che le fauci della mia amata famiglia mi hanno aiutato a non divorarlo tutto da sola...

Detail of candy:)

And I managed to take some photos of the bedspread I bought a couple of weeks ago. I really like the work, especially the combination of cotton and organza. Here are some of the working of particular flowers. Anyway, the color white is still my favorite.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Element Graffiti Backpacks

Flowers for me.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Spin Bike Sale Ontario

A nice afternoon.

Oh how nice, yesterday the temperature was cool but pleasant. The sun came and went, sometimes covered by some clouds that seemed to cream on the seafront and there were some trees with flowers that gave off a delicious smell (I have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat trees they are, ignoramuses, as always:))
And I told myself lucky ... because after work I caffettino and able to enjoy a walk with my half, enjoying one of my favorite holiday, and a tree-lined naturalmeente the sea.

This is a kiosk that is located on the waterfront, I like it too.

It 's true, is not Polynesia, but the colors that were yesterday I opened my heart. After a winter of rain, snow and high water, the sun is davero welcome! Above, a glimpse of Hotel Des Bains beach with romantic cabins in the shape of tukul ...
All photographs taken of luck with the phone, but better than nothing, right?
Ah, almost dmenticavo, on the waterfront have opened a small shop / kiosk where they sell bedspreads, clothing and style a bit more 'Indian, but Indian beauty, not the usual corny, views and reviews. The shop is run by a girl I know who has a life in textiles. Of course, I succumbed to temptation and I bought a bedspread / blanket of white cotton and organza (I love the organza) for the bed. Maybe post a picture of my purchase. In short, just a nice afternoon!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crunchy Nut Clusters Cereal

open enrollment CRE 2010: all forms and information!

We finally have the pleasure to inform you that and from Monday 10 until May 29 will open registrations for the 2010 CRE ! Given the many requests received, we have included in our blog all the forms that you can easily download. We inform you that if you chose the option to pay by bank transfer to IBAN IT12 is the City of Clusone Q 05 428 52 910 000 000 073 470.

L'iscrizione verrà registrata SOLAMENTE se presente il modulo di iscrizione compilato in ogni sua parte e l' acquisizione del consenso privacy . In caso abbiate scelto di pagare con bonifico o bollettino postale vi invitiamo a spedire una copia della ricevuta via fax al numero 0346/89638 o via posta a Comune di Clusone - Servizi Sociali - Piazza S. Andrea 1 - 24023 Clusone (BG) . Vi ricordiamo di allegare anche una fototessera del minore.

Oltre il 29 maggio sarà necessario contattare i Servizi Sociali (0346/89617) prior to the inscription, if accepted, the registration fee will be added to a share of € 5.00 for administrative expenses. For further information please contact the secretariat of the CRE to the number 0346/21258 or email