Congratulations to all the fathers and to Joseph and Josephine!
With a day late but justified by an unexpected influence that is passed from child to me and I saw her body at any moment.
Yesterday was March 19: For the Italians, it's Father's Day.
But not in every country in the world this is the day of the festival, but ... every month of the year a country that celebrates dad.
We Italians identify with this feast day of St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus
The idea, however, is United States, where a woman in the century, it was already angry because there was Mother's Day, but not the father, and chose the birthday of his father to celebrate.
In Sicily, are prepared sfinci a sort of pate a choux, which is fried at a temperature not too high in lard until the ball is not swollen and puffy and swollen even more.
I dedicate it to dad and my dad, who live with a report made of ups and downs, but only because we want too well.
Ingredients for the pate a choux:
250 g water 55 g of lard
6 eggs 250 g flour 00
a pinch of salt a pinch of baking
per la crema di ricotta:
1 kg di ricotta di pecora
300 g di zucchero a velo
la scorza grattugiata di un'arancia
polvere di pistacchio
La sera prima, mettere a sgocciolare per bene la ricotta.
In un tegame, far bollire l'acqua, lo strutto e il sale.
Versare a pioggia la farina e mescolare fuori dal fuoco.
Quando la pasta sarà ben amalgamata, aggiungere uno alla volta l'uovo e rimettere sul fuoco fin quando non inizierà a sfrigolare e staccarsi dalle pareti.
Aggiungere infine il bicarbonato.
Togliere dal fuoco e lasciar riposare l'impasto.
Nel frattempo, prendere la ricotta e aggiungere lentamente lo zucchero e mescolare vigorosamente, cercando di rendere la crema più liscia possibile.
Aggiungere la scorza grattugiata fine dell'arancia.
In un pentolino, mettere circa 400 g di strutto e far fondere.
Portare a temperatura e versare una pallina di pasta.
Girare continuamente con un cucchiaio per permettere alla palla di gonfiarsi uniformemente.
Prelevare quando si sarà aperta per bene e porre su carta assorbente ad asciugare (se la temperatura è corretta, non dovrebbe aver assorbito strutto).
Quando le palle saranno raffreddate, spalmare la crema di ricotta, decorare con polvere di pistacchio e decorare con una ciliegina.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
How Do You Make Sound On Poptropica
week heavy.
This week has been really heavy for me, every day return home no earlier than 19.00 and out of 7 in the morning the other night .. I need for physical and download them just arrived after a healthy shower I started to make something decent (we had dinner Tardino:))
chard sautéed after boiled them and some artichoke hearts, sautéed with garlic and also Prezzemolina ...
This week has been really heavy for me, every day return home no earlier than 19.00 and out of 7 in the morning the other night .. I need for physical and download them just arrived after a healthy shower I started to make something decent (we had dinner Tardino:))
chard sautéed after boiled them and some artichoke hearts, sautéed with garlic and also Prezzemolina ...
I prepared a beef broth for the next day, the view that if there is organized in time is likely to eat the same things .. and
are also able to strike up a donut for breakfast in the morning. I prepared with 2 lemon yogurt and chocolate chips. Above, the raw version e..
But at the end of the evening I felt better, a bit 'because we enjoyed dinner, a bit 'because I downloaded the accumulated tension out of the house, cooking.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Black Copper Bluetooth Dongle
Strangozzi pistachio pesto and prawn
Il mondo corre veloce.
La vita di tutti i giorni è frenetica, almost obsessive in the pursuit of perfection in the set and the lack of attention being.
dream seems almost a crime, because everything (and everyone) you remember that you must do this or that, you need to reach the goal.
This objective is often not yours, but to someone else.
Then, at lunch, away sandwich (or whatever it happens) to be punctual at the meeting of 14.00 (but why the 14 and not 15? The others are not going to eat?).
And maybe, as the fate (in the guise of Head - reviews - top) is mocking, there is also the meeting of the score of 17:30 or 19:30 (and not know that back home you must go through who knows how many km to bypass the queue like everyone else or you will have to change three means of transport).
So, of course, that evening, the dinner (if you have always wanted to prepare it and eat it) does not take place before 21 or 22, just in time to close the day, crashing on the pillow.
short, no time!
Yes because everything is a matter of time.
But listen .. at least once a day (even just one day a week), love each other a bit '.
No need to waste hours at the stove to be able to cuddle at the table, so do not even need to fast or to use the torcibudella of junk food.
Just a little organization.
How? Let me explain in the following recipe, a recipe that takes about 15-20 minutes, a few ingredients, the taste.
Strangozzi pistachio pesto and prawn
6 prawns (also frozen)
6 cherry tomatoes 200 g pistachio pesto (if you want to do this, simply pistachios, extra virgin olive oil nocellara Belice , a pinch of salt. Prepare it when you have time and desire, because it keeps well) 2 cloves of garlic
strangozzi 250 g (but are fine spaghetti, vermicelli, linguine, guitars)
half chili
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil flavor minimally invasive
Turn on the stove and put on the large pot with enough water.
While waiting for the water starts to boil, if the prawns are not fresh, but frozen, being 3 minutes in microwave defrost mode (not horrified, remember that in a hurry! But if you can schedule it on time, respect the chain cold).
Remove the head and shell from the shrimp, and diced preserved throughout the pulp, removing, with a toothpick, the black wire (not lagnatevi: only 6 shrimp!)
Take a medium-large skillet, pour oil and brown the garlic. Delete
just takes color and add half a red pepper and shrimp heads and shells. Far
coloring the shells as if there were shrimp in and crush their heads.
With the help of pliers, remove all remaining shrimp, reduce heat to low and put the pieces of shrimp.
Add the pistachio pesto, a ladle of pasta water (since you have already put to cook) and, finally, tomatoes, chopped (if you really fast, goes well in 4). Drain
with pliers, the pasta al dente, retaining a little 'cooking liquid, add to sauce to make it more creamy.
Mix and serve.
Fifteen, twenty minutes, no more for a dish invigorating, a restaurant, simply using a few shortcut survival school.
Note. Strangozzi are also known as strozzapreti. It 's a typical size of Umbria and owes its name to the shoe laces, with which the anti-clerical strangled priests .
Il mondo corre veloce.
La vita di tutti i giorni è frenetica, almost obsessive in the pursuit of perfection in the set and the lack of attention being.
dream seems almost a crime, because everything (and everyone) you remember that you must do this or that, you need to reach the goal.
This objective is often not yours, but to someone else.
Then, at lunch, away sandwich (or whatever it happens) to be punctual at the meeting of 14.00 (but why the 14 and not 15? The others are not going to eat?).
And maybe, as the fate (in the guise of Head - reviews - top) is mocking, there is also the meeting of the score of 17:30 or 19:30 (and not know that back home you must go through who knows how many km to bypass the queue like everyone else or you will have to change three means of transport).
So, of course, that evening, the dinner (if you have always wanted to prepare it and eat it) does not take place before 21 or 22, just in time to close the day, crashing on the pillow.
short, no time!
Yes because everything is a matter of time.
But listen .. at least once a day (even just one day a week), love each other a bit '.
No need to waste hours at the stove to be able to cuddle at the table, so do not even need to fast or to use the torcibudella of junk food.
Just a little organization.
How? Let me explain in the following recipe, a recipe that takes about 15-20 minutes, a few ingredients, the taste.
Strangozzi pistachio pesto and prawn
6 prawns (also frozen)
6 cherry tomatoes 200 g pistachio pesto (if you want to do this, simply pistachios, extra virgin olive oil nocellara Belice , a pinch of salt. Prepare it when you have time and desire, because it keeps well) 2 cloves of garlic
strangozzi 250 g (but are fine spaghetti, vermicelli, linguine, guitars)
half chili
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil flavor minimally invasive
Turn on the stove and put on the large pot with enough water.
While waiting for the water starts to boil, if the prawns are not fresh, but frozen, being 3 minutes in microwave defrost mode (not horrified, remember that in a hurry! But if you can schedule it on time, respect the chain cold).
Remove the head and shell from the shrimp, and diced preserved throughout the pulp, removing, with a toothpick, the black wire (not lagnatevi: only 6 shrimp!)
Take a medium-large skillet, pour oil and brown the garlic. Delete
just takes color and add half a red pepper and shrimp heads and shells. Far
coloring the shells as if there were shrimp in and crush their heads.
With the help of pliers, remove all remaining shrimp, reduce heat to low and put the pieces of shrimp.
Add the pistachio pesto, a ladle of pasta water (since you have already put to cook) and, finally, tomatoes, chopped (if you really fast, goes well in 4). Drain
with pliers, the pasta al dente, retaining a little 'cooking liquid, add to sauce to make it more creamy.
Mix and serve.
Fifteen, twenty minutes, no more for a dish invigorating, a restaurant, simply using a few shortcut survival school.
Note. Strangozzi are also known as strozzapreti. It 's a typical size of Umbria and owes its name to the shoe laces, with which the anti-clerical strangled priests .
Friday, March 12, 2010
Marriage Court In Queens
Prague, very cold and lots of magic ..
Last weekend we went to Prague and I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with everyone I know and that since there already, I said "ah, Prague is beautiful, you'll see! E 'magic! "
It 'really beautiful, has an almost fairy-tale charm, has captured immediately.
E 'snowed for a whole day and this has made it to mei pù eyes still magical and enchanting.
And my third favorite capital, along with Paris and Lisbon.
Last weekend we went to Prague and I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with everyone I know and that since there already, I said "ah, Prague is beautiful, you'll see! E 'magic! "
It 'really beautiful, has an almost fairy-tale charm, has captured immediately.
E 'snowed for a whole day and this has made it to mei pù eyes still magical and enchanting.
And my third favorite capital, along with Paris and Lisbon.
Some rooftops of Prague.
I love these lamps! At sunset light up and give the city an even more fascinating. For a moment reminded me of a scene from the movie "Narnia" when the girl enters for the first time in Narnia (through the magic wardrobe) and meets the faun in a forest full of snow and illuminated by a lamp post.
I love these lamps! At sunset light up and give the city an even more fascinating. For a moment reminded me of a scene from the movie "Narnia" when the girl enters for the first time in Narnia (through the magic wardrobe) and meets the faun in a forest full of snow and illuminated by a lamp post.
It 's true these pictures is a lot like each other, but in the end I photographed the corners that I loved the most. E I realize that they are quiet corners, full of peace. A few photos to the Old Town Square, many photos of the gardens covered in snow ... of course the Old Town Square is breathtaking for its beauty.
Some photos at Golden Lane, behind the Prague Castle. The alley is coccolissimo, sin is a long, long tour.
Some photos at Golden Lane, behind the Prague Castle. The alley is coccolissimo, sin is a long, long tour.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Dogs With Allergies And Cedar Chips
The kitchen leftovers
winter evening, refrigerator stuffed with food to eliminate all small pieces of residual previous dinners
... What about it?
The simplest solution would be to eat as they are, but maybe, just, would not be able to feed a family.
In these cases, better keep some in freezer sfoglia (anche industriale, visto che ne vendono anche di buona fattura) e improvvisare una torta salata dell’ultima ora, riacciuffando dal fondo del cassetto salumi e formaggi quei tocchetti dimenticati da mesi… Una piccola rifilatura dei bordi un po’ ingialliti o rinsecchiti… qualche ciuffo degli spinaci cotti due giorni prima o quel tocchetto di salsiccia che domenica proprio non voleva più nessuno ed ecco servita la cena per 4-6 persone.
Gli escamotage sono innumerevoli e la tradizione ci può venire in aiuto.
Anche una pastasciutta con quel bicchiere di salsa di pomodoro o il concassè avanzato, con l’aggiunta di uno spicchio d’aglio, qualche oliva (tre-quattro: che ci fai?), una manciata di pinoli, un paio di acciughe ed ecco un altro piatto dell’ultimo momento.
Capita pure che si ordina al cinese una cena giapponese (lo so, non si fa, ma ogni tanto…) e si specifica: “mi raccomando, tutto ma NON il sashimi) e ti viene recapitato un bel pacco stracolmo di salmone e tonno crudi, che guardi con sospetto, accompagnati da zenzero e salsa watabi. Ma proprio il crudo non era in sintonia con la cena agognata e i tocchetti di pesce sono già tagliati, nemmeno li puoi cuocere. E allora?
E allora, l’indomani sera ci salta fuori un piatto di pasta dal sapore mediterraneo senza alcuna pretesa, ma dal sapore eccellente.
Ma può also be advanced by a piece of boiled meat and that, inevitably, it can become a great second in the green colored version of a meatball handful of spinach. In honor of
kitchen leftovers, we offer three classic recipes : first, a second and a side dish, for use when you want (even for unexpected guests), not to throw anything away, using what little c 'is in the fridge and you do not know what to do.
Vermicelli pasta with tuna
Serves 4
About 200 g of tuna sashimi is not required by advanced
300 g vermicelli
A can of tomatoes
One tablespoon of salted capers that do not know what to do
Ginger delivered with the sashimi
A pinch of wasabi paste (always given together with sashimi)
A handful of chopped nuts when
A little 'white wine advanced (also Martini dry if there is more at home)
Salt Extra virgin olive oil dop nocellara Belice
clove garlic 1 shallot or onion
Reduce the tuna in chunks.
Grind the nuts and toast in a frying pan or oven.
also chop the shallot or onion.
In a large pan, fry the garlic in a colorful shirt and delete it once.
Stufare al suo posto la cipolla.
Unire i capperi e le nocciole.
Aggiungere quindi il tonno e lasciarlo rosolare.
Spruzzare con un po’ di vino e far evaporare.
Aggiungere il pomodoro, salare, sciogliere un pizzico di wasabi e lo zenzero.
Lasciar cucinare per circa 15 minuti e aggiungere un po’ di acqua della cottura della pasta se necessario.
Saltare la pasta, scolata al dente e servire.
Baked potatoes sandy
Serves 4 250 grams of baked potato
A handful of toasted bread crumbs with anchovy, garlic and a pinch of chili (always advanced from another room)
Apulian extra virgin olive oil Salt
Cut in two pieces or potatoes oven without removing the skin.
Put in pan and sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil (we recommend a Puglia).
Salt them and sprinkle with seasoned bread crumbs.
Bake at 200 degrees for fifteen minutes and then pass under the grill until golden brown.
winter evening, refrigerator stuffed with food to eliminate all small pieces of residual previous dinners
... What about it?
The simplest solution would be to eat as they are, but maybe, just, would not be able to feed a family.
In these cases, better keep some in freezer sfoglia (anche industriale, visto che ne vendono anche di buona fattura) e improvvisare una torta salata dell’ultima ora, riacciuffando dal fondo del cassetto salumi e formaggi quei tocchetti dimenticati da mesi… Una piccola rifilatura dei bordi un po’ ingialliti o rinsecchiti… qualche ciuffo degli spinaci cotti due giorni prima o quel tocchetto di salsiccia che domenica proprio non voleva più nessuno ed ecco servita la cena per 4-6 persone.
Gli escamotage sono innumerevoli e la tradizione ci può venire in aiuto.
Anche una pastasciutta con quel bicchiere di salsa di pomodoro o il concassè avanzato, con l’aggiunta di uno spicchio d’aglio, qualche oliva (tre-quattro: che ci fai?), una manciata di pinoli, un paio di acciughe ed ecco un altro piatto dell’ultimo momento.
Capita pure che si ordina al cinese una cena giapponese (lo so, non si fa, ma ogni tanto…) e si specifica: “mi raccomando, tutto ma NON il sashimi) e ti viene recapitato un bel pacco stracolmo di salmone e tonno crudi, che guardi con sospetto, accompagnati da zenzero e salsa watabi. Ma proprio il crudo non era in sintonia con la cena agognata e i tocchetti di pesce sono già tagliati, nemmeno li puoi cuocere. E allora?
E allora, l’indomani sera ci salta fuori un piatto di pasta dal sapore mediterraneo senza alcuna pretesa, ma dal sapore eccellente.
Ma può also be advanced by a piece of boiled meat and that, inevitably, it can become a great second in the green colored version of a meatball handful of spinach. In honor of
kitchen leftovers, we offer three classic recipes : first, a second and a side dish, for use when you want (even for unexpected guests), not to throw anything away, using what little c 'is in the fridge and you do not know what to do.
Vermicelli pasta with tuna
Serves 4
About 200 g of tuna sashimi is not required by advanced
300 g vermicelli
A can of tomatoes
One tablespoon of salted capers that do not know what to do
Ginger delivered with the sashimi
A pinch of wasabi paste (always given together with sashimi)
A handful of chopped nuts when
A little 'white wine advanced (also Martini dry if there is more at home)
Salt Extra virgin olive oil dop nocellara Belice
clove garlic 1 shallot or onion
Reduce the tuna in chunks.
Grind the nuts and toast in a frying pan or oven.
also chop the shallot or onion.
In a large pan, fry the garlic in a colorful shirt and delete it once.
Stufare al suo posto la cipolla.
Unire i capperi e le nocciole.
Aggiungere quindi il tonno e lasciarlo rosolare.
Spruzzare con un po’ di vino e far evaporare.
Aggiungere il pomodoro, salare, sciogliere un pizzico di wasabi e lo zenzero.
Lasciar cucinare per circa 15 minuti e aggiungere un po’ di acqua della cottura della pasta se necessario.
Saltare la pasta, scolata al dente e servire.
Spiedini di polpetta agli spinaci
Ingredienti per 4 persone
Il bollito avanzato qualche giorno prima (circa 300 g eliminato il grasso e l’osso)
300 g di spinach, cooked and drained 30 g pecorino
30 g of parmesan cheese 1 egg
The crumbs 4 slices of bread
Salt and pepper to taste
An onion skewers of wood or iron
Breadcrumbs for the final dusting
Extra virgin olive oil
Preparation Finely chop the meat and spinach.
Grate cheese.
Crumble the bread.
In a large container, make a few shots of the blender to make paste and then add the egg.
Season with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, cut the onion in 4 and Browse. Obtain
meatballs and stretch his hands, then wipe in breadcrumbs.
Skewer the meat ball with the skewer and alternate them with a layer of onion.
Place the skewers in a large pan, spray with oil decided not taste, sprinkle with bay leaves and bake at 200 ° until golden brown.
Ingredienti per 4 persone
Il bollito avanzato qualche giorno prima (circa 300 g eliminato il grasso e l’osso)
300 g di spinach, cooked and drained 30 g pecorino
30 g of parmesan cheese 1 egg
The crumbs 4 slices of bread
Salt and pepper to taste
An onion skewers of wood or iron
Breadcrumbs for the final dusting
Extra virgin olive oil
Preparation Finely chop the meat and spinach.
Grate cheese.
Crumble the bread.
In a large container, make a few shots of the blender to make paste and then add the egg.
Season with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, cut the onion in 4 and Browse. Obtain
meatballs and stretch his hands, then wipe in breadcrumbs.
Skewer the meat ball with the skewer and alternate them with a layer of onion.
Place the skewers in a large pan, spray with oil decided not taste, sprinkle with bay leaves and bake at 200 ° until golden brown.
Serves 4 250 grams of baked potato
A handful of toasted bread crumbs with anchovy, garlic and a pinch of chili (always advanced from another room)
Apulian extra virgin olive oil Salt
Cut in two pieces or potatoes oven without removing the skin.
Put in pan and sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil (we recommend a Puglia).
Salt them and sprinkle with seasoned bread crumbs.
Bake at 200 degrees for fifteen minutes and then pass under the grill until golden brown.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sims 3 How To Undo Update
The lamprey (But the difference is made by the tripe)
If you try to ask Luke Cai , tripe in Florence, what is the lamprey, we will respond the little brother of the crocodile!
But what is really the lamprey?
Its name comes from lamprey, a parasite similar to an eel that inhabits rivers and seas, but not with the fish has nothing to do, since it is one of the stomachs of cattle, the fourth stomach, or the abomasum. In ruminants, in fact, digestion is different from the human intestine as well as having a longer, there are 4 stomachs needed for digestion, Omas, the ruminant, the lattice el'abomaso.
While the other three are widely dispersed and eaten throughout Italy (known by different names according to the place where you can taste), the abomasum or lamprey is typical of Florence and belongs to the history of the city as much as the Palazzo della Signoria or Uffizi museum.
It consists of two parts: the gala, which is characterized by small ridges and very thin, and Spannocchia, more fat (but it's clean) and, unexpectedly, a very delicate taste.
You can not, therefore, go to Florence, without feeling a tripe sandwich, or better, and see Lampredottaio of this character work.
prepare the sandwich, in fact, it might seem simple, but the ritual makes much difference.
This week we tried to make it home, but it actually confirms the difficulty of preparing the perfect sandwich, with the right taste of the sauce and green sauce.
The bread must be perfect without salt : ok for the washer or, in extremis, the michetta, but the ideal would be semelle (or passerina), a small round sandwich with the surface is not smooth and homogeneous, but with a groove. / C'avev'un groove in the middle. Er'un semelle. The rod was over ... but, 'nvece of them pretty, all the same round, gave signs to rule and became a hit ... we also called the ... the pussy (from / semelle.shtml)
Once you cut the bread at the bottom, without the excess crumbs, are placed two pieces of lamprey (the gala and the other by a head), as defined by the knife directly on the sandwich, a couple of tablespoons of salsa verde, a few drops of holy oil (oil with hot peppers) and the tripe will ask you if you want to "pucca" in the top cap stock. Can not refuse: get seduced.
One last ride in a special paper in A4 format and way to eat (and stain to) on the steps of the Church of San Lorenzo.
But the importance of this "food street" in the Florentine tradition established for centuries, has crossed the threshold of Florence and is required in the events dedicated to food just walking, which in recent years are becoming more common in Italy and 'Abroad. So it is not rare to find Stragusto (such as Trapani, held in late July) or the Feast del cibo di strada a Cesena (fine settembre), così come tante altre, con un angolo dedicato al Trippaio e al panino con lampredotto.
Nota alla ricetta: ogni trippaio ha la propria ricetta che resta unica e irriproducibile anche utilizzando gli stessi identici ingredienti. Questa, quindi, è più un canovaccio da seguire, ma senza la pretesa di essere la ricetta *vera*, proprio perché ognuno potrà conoscerne una diversa e sicuramente l’una meglio dell’altra.
1 lampredotto (circa 700-800 g)
2 cipolle
3-4 carote
3-4 coste di sedano
2 o 3 cucchiai di pomodoro concentrato
Basilico e prezzemolo a piacere
salt and pepper to taste 3 cloves
For the salsa verde (doses indicated by pounding together)
a bunch of parsley 2 cloves of garlic, onion
fourth quarter to fourth
celery, carrot
a handful of capers 2 anchovies
a bread soaked in water and vinegar (and wrung out)
plenty of Tuscan extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste
Here below the pictures of Stragusto Trapani, with me, my beloved second chef and teacher Manuela Di Salvo Luca tripe Cai, who has directed art ^ _ ^
If you try to ask Luke Cai , tripe in Florence, what is the lamprey, we will respond the little brother of the crocodile!
But what is really the lamprey?
Its name comes from lamprey, a parasite similar to an eel that inhabits rivers and seas, but not with the fish has nothing to do, since it is one of the stomachs of cattle, the fourth stomach, or the abomasum. In ruminants, in fact, digestion is different from the human intestine as well as having a longer, there are 4 stomachs needed for digestion, Omas, the ruminant, the lattice el'abomaso.
While the other three are widely dispersed and eaten throughout Italy (known by different names according to the place where you can taste), the abomasum or lamprey is typical of Florence and belongs to the history of the city as much as the Palazzo della Signoria or Uffizi museum.
It consists of two parts: the gala, which is characterized by small ridges and very thin, and Spannocchia, more fat (but it's clean) and, unexpectedly, a very delicate taste.
You can not, therefore, go to Florence, without feeling a tripe sandwich, or better, and see Lampredottaio of this character work.
prepare the sandwich, in fact, it might seem simple, but the ritual makes much difference.
This week we tried to make it home, but it actually confirms the difficulty of preparing the perfect sandwich, with the right taste of the sauce and green sauce.
The bread must be perfect without salt : ok for the washer or, in extremis, the michetta, but the ideal would be semelle (or passerina), a small round sandwich with the surface is not smooth and homogeneous, but with a groove. / C'avev'un groove in the middle. Er'un semelle. The rod was over ... but, 'nvece of them pretty, all the same round, gave signs to rule and became a hit ... we also called the ... the pussy (from / semelle.shtml)
Once you cut the bread at the bottom, without the excess crumbs, are placed two pieces of lamprey (the gala and the other by a head), as defined by the knife directly on the sandwich, a couple of tablespoons of salsa verde, a few drops of holy oil (oil with hot peppers) and the tripe will ask you if you want to "pucca" in the top cap stock. Can not refuse: get seduced.
One last ride in a special paper in A4 format and way to eat (and stain to) on the steps of the Church of San Lorenzo.
But the importance of this "food street" in the Florentine tradition established for centuries, has crossed the threshold of Florence and is required in the events dedicated to food just walking, which in recent years are becoming more common in Italy and 'Abroad. So it is not rare to find Stragusto (such as Trapani, held in late July) or the Feast del cibo di strada a Cesena (fine settembre), così come tante altre, con un angolo dedicato al Trippaio e al panino con lampredotto.
Nota alla ricetta: ogni trippaio ha la propria ricetta che resta unica e irriproducibile anche utilizzando gli stessi identici ingredienti. Questa, quindi, è più un canovaccio da seguire, ma senza la pretesa di essere la ricetta *vera*, proprio perché ognuno potrà conoscerne una diversa e sicuramente l’una meglio dell’altra.
1 lampredotto (circa 700-800 g)
2 cipolle
3-4 carote
3-4 coste di sedano
2 o 3 cucchiai di pomodoro concentrato
Basilico e prezzemolo a piacere
salt and pepper to taste 3 cloves
For the salsa verde (doses indicated by pounding together)
a bunch of parsley 2 cloves of garlic, onion
fourth quarter to fourth
celery, carrot
a handful of capers 2 anchovies
a bread soaked in water and vinegar (and wrung out)
plenty of Tuscan extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste
Here below the pictures of Stragusto Trapani, with me, my beloved second chef and teacher Manuela Di Salvo Luca tripe Cai, who has directed art ^ _ ^
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