Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mineral Build Up In Bathtub

Dating ..

close encounter ... but hampered by a zanzariera.Peccato.

Baseball Wording Invitations

few photos ...

a photo of "my" sea \u200b\u200b

of "my" towel

of "my" friend

of "my" heaven.
Mania possession? But no .. luckily gifts belongs to everyone.
Good evening:))

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ate A Whole Can Of Olestra Pringles


In this last period of silence I had not, of course, posted my finished scarf. I really like the color, but, as I said in my post in which I presented the beginning of work, and 'a bit' particular, 'a pink blush a bit' old.

And since I and 'advanced a lot of wool, I also packed the cap. E.. And I 'still remained wool. But how much wool I bought? Gomitoloni were 2 250 g each and everything I have eaten a 350 grams. Okay, I invent 'something with the rest.

But back to today, Saturday, I woke up with a great desire to eat fish, so 'I hit this morning and among other things good that I bought at the fish, I took 1 kg of mussels (ds here in Venice called "pevarasse) with which I have prepared a great plate of spaghetti for me and my daughter.

Washing pevarasse

And voila '! Season with oil, garlic, parsley and chili pepper would be better though.

E 'was a good start on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Panasonic Hdc-sd9 Imovie


Again a month without updating my blog. Ugh, just I do not learn: (
But now I feel like Bridget Jones's intentions for the future ...: updating the blog more often and create, create.
was a bit 'that I wanted to learn how to make these crocheted flowers, but I had some difficulty nel'interpretare instructions in mid-bloom. And then? "And then" you tube "I came to the rescue. Looking for" crocheted flowers "are several videos (all in English) on how to prepare the sighs flowers.

I chose a tutorial by an American lady, with a simple flower pattern and voila!
I have already created 5 (the fifth I have not photographed), one with a purple yarn of cotton, while the others are all wool. As I am preparing for my other daughter and my granddaughter. Actually this morning I went to the market and I also bought some white beads sewing in the middle of the flower.
Yes, I'm just having fun. I come home from work, prepare dinner, place a little 'things .. and then on, hook in hand and begin.