Sunday, December 19, 2010

Part Of The Spine That Causes Urinary Problems

finer things in life ..

After an eternity, I return with some pictures made in haste with the Cellu. Oh Mara, you will never change:)
This post I titled "finer things in life" because it actually is (for me of course) a few moments of everyday life that make me happy.
Above, snow in Venice, Fondamenta de l'Osmarin (Rosemary, in Italian).

Snow island where I live.

snow in my garden.

A new roaster in Venice, "barbarism de le Tole". Il caffé é buonissimo, l' ambiente é estremamente rilassante e il Personale é gentile.

Qui sopra invece, torta pere e cioccolato, preparata dalla sottoscritta oggi pomeriggio.
Devo dire, un risultato di tutto rispetto.
Velocemente la ricetta:
- 2 pere mature abate
- 200 gr di cioccolato fondente
- 80 gr. di burro
- 200 gr. di farina
- 80 gr. di zucchero
- 1 bicchiere scarso di latte
- 1 / 2 packet of baking powder
- 3 eggs
Chop the pears, place them in a saucepan and cook over low heat until mash.
Melt the butter in a double boiler, chocolate and finally add the milk.
Beat (I use the electric mixer) the 3 egg yolks with the sugar, add flour, baking powder, the compound dissolved in a water bath and the pureed pears. Beat three egg whites until stiff and add to the mix that will be enough liquid. Inform a hot oven 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (I use the fan oven function).
Allow to cool and then ... yum yum!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nakiska Black Diamond

to pull a bit 'about ...

Stasera sono sola e ho cenato da sola. Ma non è un problema. E allora qual'é il problema?Il problema é che sono tristissima per com'è la situazione politica in Italia. In questo benedetto Paese un sacco di persone lavorano, pagano le tasse, vivono in maniera onesta, cercano di impartire principi sani ai propri figli. Insomma ce la mettono davvero tutta. E io credo di appartenere a questo genere di persona.

e poi un giorno sì e l'altro pure saltano fuori scandali che riguardano il nostro premier (ma premier de cheee?), storie vergognose and squalid. And then it seems that my beautiful Italy is going belly up. Like when you make a big slip and really hurt you. And our children, what are we leaving? Cuts everywhere and not even a glimmer of light.
So many questions and the answers are uncertain.

And so, on an evening in late October, at home alone, I'm watching Julie & Julia, I'm flipping through some magazines kitchen (Italian or not) and try to console me dedicate myself to something I'm passionate about. The kitchen. I know, will not change one iota the chaos that reigns in Italy, but at least helps you find the strength to continue to address the everyday and hope for a future better.
Read, learn new recipes, I admire the pretty pictures, I help with a dictionary, and I hope so. In better times.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breasts Nipples Bigger Pregnancy

Just some photos that I put in a good mood ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Moving Running Sayings

CalendaCRE e CD CRE 2010

Ciao a tutti! Vi informiamo che presso la segreteria dell'Oratorio di Clusone (aperta tutti i giorni dalle 15.00 alle 18.00) potete ritirare il fantastico CalendaCRE 2010 . Sono inoltre arrivati, per chi non fosse riuscito a prenderli a luglio, i  CD multimendiali del CRE con canti e balli !

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Long To Cook A Pit Ham

Domegge and Fall.

If autumn is my favorite season, autumn in the mountains is absolutely the place where I want to stay. A simple
walk turns into a discovery of beautiful colors and a banal gesture like watching the leaves becomes a delight for the eyes.

A couple of weeks ago (yes, I am a bit 'slow with the times of my post), we spent a day in Domegge, town of Cadore about 700 meters.
A lovely town with a small square at the feet of a church is very important for the size of the village and a cakes irresistible, where you can cuddle with good coffee and a "healthy" pasta ...

There is also the pond. We did not cross-soul, seemed to be in the world of fairy tales.

And after a healthy walk, we went up to 1800 where we ate mushrooms, polenta and sausage ... well, healthy food, no?

Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Wax Your Groin

CRE Revival 2010

Sotto, sopra, sopra, sotto, sotto la panca, sopra la capra, no, ah, ecco, era cosi: «Sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa, sopra la panca …» Te lo ricordi questo scioglilingua? Sei capace di dirlo per cinque volte di seguito senza sbagliare?

Se ci riesci allora sei l’invitato speciale per il meraviglioso, strabiliante, eccezionale, imperdibile CRE REVIVAL di sabato 18 settembre ! E se non riesci perché la lingua si inceppa, non importa, sei comunque invitato speciale tra i V.I.P. (Very Important People, le persone più importanti) del nostro meraviglioso CRE.

Nella serata del CRE REVIVAL potrai ritirare personalmente il mitico CalendaCre, il calendario “strano” con le foto imperdibili di questa estate; potrai rivedere your leaders and all people who have shared with you games, trips, workshops, fun, and sympathy for the Oratorio di Clusone CRE.

This year also a surprise: to celebrate 35 years of our POL Oratorio, there will also be very nice clown that there will come a belly ache with laughter.

Then, you can not miss, you look Saturday, September 18, at 20.30 at the Theatre Tomasini Oratory.

A big hug!
Don Claudio

Thursday, September 16, 2010

List Of Tech Deck Tricks

polenta lasagne ...!

This photo was taken in the lagoon this afternoon. But not by me, no, my better half 'then decided to "gift". A little better? There is something divine.

But I attach me the trouble of having "created" these polenta lasagna for dinner tonight.

A little 'Lunghetti to prepare, in fact: the polenta is cooked (40 minutes), allow to cool in a pan, cut the slices thin enough that recline in a buttered pan. Each layer is covered with fontina polenta, parmesan and growth. All in a hot oven (180 degrees) for about 30 minutes.
What do you say, pesantina? Nooo, if accompanied by a good Carantana then, I'd say that kills. But it satisfies:)
above versions prior to cooking.

And under the version after the exit from the oven. The yellow color is due to the fontina.
suggested the creation when the temperature drops at least another 10 degrees .. we say!
Night night!

Aggression To Milena Velba

Canzoni dal CRE 2100...

We also have recorded songs by our talented kids singing group of which you can download onto your PC.
Enjoy everyone!

Games Like Maplestory An Poptropica

Foto CRE 2010

Hear hear ... After a long wait ... here's to you all all the photos of the CRE 2010. The launch was planned at the CRE Revival but we could not wait ... forgive us! Enjoy! For further information on the photographs you can write to .
CRE 2010 - Alpe Gita Court
CRE 2010 - Twinning
CRE 2010 - Pool 8.7
CRE 2010 - Hawaiian Night
CRE 2010 - Bicycling
CRE 2010 - SportGiovane
CRE 2010 - Camping
CRE 2010 - Soccer Tournament
21_07 Evening Finale

Saturday, September 4, 2010 Vore License

some shots here and there 'with the phone. Above, from the Lido pier waiting for the boat in the morning, a rare blue sky for Venice

The bridge to go to the office

E.. finally at home in the evening. Is rewarded with a healthy cooked polenta in a copper cauldron.
And tonight you and me 'broken dishwasher, damn: (