Critical or Criticón?
A look in the dictionary, the word is closely related to another, but in fact, in spoken language, the second takes on a meaning reluctant. When, a month ago, the Corriere della Sera in its Vivimilano, has moved the "nice" criticism (from Criticón) not so much to Joia, vegetarian restaurant, 1 Michelin star, the Milan, as his patron, Pietro Leemann, the question of confusion between the two words was jarring to many.
Leemann For those unfamiliar, is a cook who started his career as a charlotte, cooked by a chef friend, in his home when he was still a child.
Since then, his life has been focused on the study and research of the kitchen and, after a long apprenticeship in the kitchen of Girardet and Marchesi, was devoted to vegetarianism (very bold choice in an area which is carnivorous Italian).
The food, therefore, can not give a middle ground: either you love or hate, the warm feelings do not belong.
The greatest difficulty lies in understanding the essence, not so much the taste: he who hesitates only to taste without using all five senses, is making a huge mistake. In fact, studies conducted mainly in the East, where he has worked extensively Leemann, led him to exploit not only the taste and sight, but also touch, hearing and smell.
Carrots with a heart of almonds disguised as eggs, meat balls that roll like pebbles on a plate, mysterious ingredients (as simple) that amaze and call for reflection as the names of its dishes.
Leemann But not only that, next to the kitchen of his restaurant, there is also the home one, simple and tasty that it creates for himself and his family, often to the point of veganism.
And from the kitchen of the house of Leemann (a little 'revisited), which today we take a recipe to take advantage of this last day of fasting in Lent, that of Good Friday. An idea quickly, but no less tasty, that will do you miss the meat.
tofu and seitan skewers on a bed of yellow
Ingredients for 4:
200 g 200 g tofu, seitan
sage and rosemary marinade 100 g of olive oil and balsamic vinegar sauce
100 g
soybean frying oil (he recommends that this recipe for sesame)
500 g di fagiolini gialli
100 g di mais bio no ogm
Lessare i fagiolini in abbondante acqua fredda e senza sale.
Scolare il mais dal liquido di conservazione.
Tagliare a cubetti il tofu e il seitan e friggerli per 5 minuti in olio.
Mettere a marinare il tofu nell’olio e aceto balsamico (io ho considerato 50 g di uno e 50 g dell’altro) e il seitan nella salsa di soia per circa 30 minuti.
Accendere il forno a 180°, scolare i tocchetti dalle marinate e infilzarli con spiedi piccoli alternando un cubetto di tofu e uno di seitan.
Disporre gli spiedini in una teglia da forno e ricoprirli con rosmarino e salvia sminuzzata.
Cuocere in forno for 5 minutes. In
individual plates, arrange a trail of green beans and yellow corn, seasoned with the advancing of tofu from the marinade and lay it on the skewers.
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